Monday, October 28, 2013

Programmatic Study & Development

    *Programmatic Study & Development*- Here is another version of my program. Although I am not completely happy with this current model and I have yet to make some changes to it. At this point I have an idea of what I 'd like to do as far as my conceptual model. After considering my feedbacks for my previous model, I have made some changes to my program model. It is now  primarily Hotel and Spa is secondary, which make more since. I will be also combining my spa into my hotel (inside) instead of making them separate buildings and then somehow connecting them. 

     In my next model , I am planing to elevate the Hotel/Spa ( the black figure) even more then it is now (which is currently 12') and sit it on top of the Lobby (the white figure), therefore enabling  for an easier access from the lobby into the hotel rooms. My spa will be on the first floor of the hotel ( after the elevation), and rooms thereafter, hence separating the hotel rooms from the spa (private from public).

     With regards to my lobby (white figure) which will not be elevated, I am planing to have Lobby, gym, auditorium , restaurant and snack bar, all in 2 floor area space. I will also have an indoor garden in the midst of it all, which will separate those spaces and create a barrier which will eliminate noise ether traveling from the gym into the auditorium or snack bar into the restaurant. This way I can have the gym and the  auditorium in the first floor with garden in between and the snack bar with the restaurant and the indoor garden in between. 

Monday, October 21, 2013

Massing Development & Model

For this study I have created a model based on my previous model that I created for my Program . This model doesn't derive much from my previous model because it represents what I 'd like my program to develop into. Basic concept for my model is that I 'd like my Spa to be the primary facility and hotel being the complementary part to the spa.

I'd like to also point out that this model isn't to scale.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

2D into 3D

Impression of Site 

        My impression of the site was very dramatic. During my visit , I felt that Red Hook was lost/trapped in time, vicinity seemed very linear, empty, mechanical and industrial. Although the neighborhood has a rich history, it certainly did not feel alive.
       First model ( left hand side) depicts a circle holding all sorts of events taking place over time  and those events revolving within that circle, unable to get out of the routine.

       In second model ( middle) I have decided to stick to various geometric forms as they represent various events taking place in the neighborhood all trapped with an invisible barrier.

      Third model (right hand side) is just a box shape and a brick wall. Everything that happens in the neighborhood gets into some sort of a space that eventually end up hitting a dead end.


       How can one be so close to the busy city which calls for a restless life: be able to step away from it prioritizing themselves, and indulge in some sort of relaxation ?! Up next is my program.This is my interpretation of reconnecting with inner piece , nature and still be circulating around the busy city life. Therefore, as you can see the city is in the center of it all, almost has a faded visibility and all other activities are revolving around it.

        First model ( left hand side) is basically a picture of a balance. Personally I believe the program I am creating is about balancing life between busy life and reconnecting with inner self.

       In the program I am creating I am aiming at having  spa, hotel and a health facility accessible to the community. Therefore, the 3 black elements in the second model ( middle model) represent those facilities. And, one white element, which is shaped as  Yang represents the program as a whole. The color choices go back to Yin and Yang, the essence of counter balancing life between work and relaxation.

      In the last model ( right hand side) flowers and shells represent nature and the wall is basically sheltering the artificially created world. .

Interpretation of the word "Deserted"

Lastly, is my interpretation of the word deserted. For me it means endless emptiness surrounded by sadness and grief. 

          First model ( left hand side) is basically a tunnel and when you look though it you basically see nothing and one might get a feeling of deserter.

          Second model ( middle) is representation of the field with a lonely tree, which can be perceived as emptiness. 

           Last model consists of the similar objects and what I am trying to convey is that there are no other additional different elements that can create variation, therefore giving it a feeling emptiness with the forms and space.


Monday, October 7, 2013


     The assignment was to interpret my impression of the site, convey what my program (that I am developing) means and exhibit my understanding of a particular word; which in this case was the word deserted.  I chose this word because when I first visited the site that's what I experienced.

        My impression of the site was very dramatic. During my visit , I felt that Red Hook was lost/trapped in time, vicinity seemed very linear, empty, mechanical and industrial. Although the neighbourhood has a rich history, it certainly did not feel alive.

  How can one be so close to the busy city which calls for a restless life: be able to step away from it prioritizing themselves, and indulge in some sort of relaxation ?! Up next is my program.This is my interpretation of reconnecting with inner piece , nature and still be circulating around the busy city life. Therefore, as you can see the city is in the center of it all, almost has a faded visibility and all other activities are revolving around it. 

Lastly, is my interpretation of the word deserted. For me it means endless emptiness surrounded by sadness and grief. 

List of Spaces, Matrix and Bubble Diagram

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Additional Analized Building Typologies

Loisium Hotel, Austria by Steven Holl Architects




Hierarchy of Spaces 


Natural Light 


Private and Public Spaces 

Approach and Circulation

Space organization 

Park Hotel Hyderabad, India by SOM



Hiararchy of Spaces


Natural Light 


Private and Public Space

Approach and Circulation

Space organization